Arcana Code of Ethics

1. Cidnee will interpret and read the cards and messages she receives from Spirit honestly and truthfully with clients highest good in mind ; Cidnee will not tell you what you want to hear or create purposeful ambiguity.

2. Cidnee has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and will use that knowledge as she intuitively feels called but Cidnee’s advice is not a replacement for professional help.

3. Must be 18 years or older for a reading.

4. No questions regarding health, pregnancy or legal matters- these are sensitive subjects with much free will attached.

5. If Cidnee notices a high volume of readings Cidnee will provide you with personal tips and tricks to empower you! Cidnee will not aide in financial deception and take a request just because.

6. Once a reading is recorded or session is complete payment is non-refundable. 

7. All readings are private and confidential.

8.I have the right to refuse a client’s request based on any of the above factors or anything else that may arise that may create an ethical entanglement.